Fact or Fiction? Student Survey

FACT OR FICTION? Student Survey
Thank you for participating in the MMOT Fact or Fiction workshop. This survey is designed to track the impact of this workshop in Illinois Schools Please provide your feedback below

Name of School*

Name of School*

What grade are you in? *

What grade are you in? *

After this workshop, I feel I can better spot the differences between FACT and FICTION.*

After this workshop, I feel I can better spot the differences between FACT and FICTION.*

After this workshop, I feel I can better spot BIAS and OPINION in media.*

After this workshop, I feel I can better spot BIAS and OPINION in media.*

Actions I am likely to take when I encounter news or media online*

Actions I am likely to take when I encounter news or media online*

Check all that apply

What is one new idea you have taken from this workshop? *

What is one new idea you have taken from this workshop? *

Please share any feedback for improving this workshop.

Please share any feedback for improving this workshop.