Florida MMOT - Educator Experience FL MMOT Educator SurveyFlorida MMOT - Educator Experience FeedbackThank you for your participation in the Mobile Museum of Tolerance. Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to complete the following survey.Educator FeedbackThank you for visiting the Mobile Museum of Tolerance! This survey is designed to track the impact of the MMOT in schools. Please provide your honest feedback below.What is the name of your school?* What is the name of your school?*Which workshop(s) did your students participate in?* Which workshop(s) did your students participate in?*(check all that apply)The Anne Frank StoryCivil RightsPower of Ordinary PeopleCombat Hate: A Digital Media Literacy WorkshopFact or Fiction? (Digital Media Literacy)The facilitator conveyed interest for and knowledge of the subject matter.* The facilitator conveyed interest for and knowledge of the subject matter.*Strongly DISAGREE12345Strongly AGREEThe workshop content was presented in a logical, easy-to-follow manner.* The workshop content was presented in a logical, easy-to-follow manner.*Strongly DISAGREE12345Strongly AGREEThe material was age-appropriate and relevant to student interests.* The material was age-appropriate and relevant to student interests.*Strongly DISAGREE12345Strongly AGREEThe workshop was helpful in raising awareness of important issues including racism, human rights, and tolerance.* The workshop was helpful in raising awareness of important issues including racism, human rights, and tolerance.*Strongly DISAGREE12345Strongly AGREEHow would you rate the overall quality of the workshop?* How would you rate the overall quality of the workshop?*ExcellentGoodFairPoorWould you recommend the MMOT to other educators?* Would you recommend the MMOT to other educators?*YesNoMaybeWould you consider hosting the MMOT at your school again in the future?* Would you consider hosting the MMOT at your school again in the future?*YesNoMaybeWhat aspect(s) of the workshop were most impactful for you and your class? What aspect(s) of the workshop were most impactful for you and your class?What would you change or modify about this workshop? What would you change or modify about this workshop?Please share any additional feedback with us. Please share any additional feedback with us.