Student Experience Survey FL MMOT Student Survey (2024-2025)Student Experience - California Mobile Museums of ToleranceThank you for your participation in the Mobile Museum of Tolerance. Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to complete the following survey.Florida MMOT - Student ExperienceThanks for visiting the Mobile Museum of Tolerance! Your feedback helps us make the MMOT experience even better. Let's hear what you thought:What is the name of your school?* What is the name of your school?*What grade are you in?* What grade are you in?*Choose5th6th7th8th9th/Freshman10th/Sophmore11th/Junior12th/SeniorOtherWhich MMOT Workshop did you participate in?* Which MMOT Workshop did you participate in?*Check all that applyThe Story of Anne FrankCivil RightsPower of Ordinary PeopleCombat Hate: A Digital Media Literacy WorkshopFact or Fiction? (Digital Media Literacy)How interesting and relevant was the workshop topic to you?* How interesting and relevant was the workshop topic to you?*Strongly DISAGREE12345Strongly AGREEHow well did the MMOT Educator explain things?* How well did the MMOT Educator explain things?*Strongly DISAGREE12345Strongly AGREEDid you feel like your point of view was respected during the workshop?* Did you feel like your point of view was respected during the workshop?*Strongly DISAGREE12345Strongly AGREEDid you hear any new or challenging ideas during the workshop?* Did you hear any new or challenging ideas during the workshop?*12345Did you leave the MMOT feeling like you could make a difference in your school or community?* Did you leave the MMOT feeling like you could make a difference in your school or community?*Strongly DISAGREE12345Strongly AGREEHow did the workshop relate to your own life or experiences?* How did the workshop relate to your own life or experiences?*What, if anything, will you do differently as a result of this workshop?* What, if anything, will you do differently as a result of this workshop?*Did you prefer learning through:* Did you prefer learning through:*Visual aids (pictures, videos) Listening to the teacher Discussing with classmates Hands-on activitiesVisual aids (pictures, videos)Listening to the teacherDiscussing with classmatesHands-on activitiesHow would you rate your overall experience on the MMOT?* How would you rate your overall experience on the MMOT?*ExcellentGoodFairPoorWhat was your favorite part of the workshop? What was your favorite part of the workshop?Would you recommend the MMOT to a friend, classmate, teacher, or family member?* Would you recommend the MMOT to a friend, classmate, teacher, or family member?*YesNoMaybeWhat could have been done to make the workshop more engaging? What could have been done to make the workshop more engaging?Was there enough time for discussion and questions?* Was there enough time for discussion and questions?*YesNoIs there anything else you’d like to share? Is there anything else you’d like to share?