Welcome to the Illinois Mobile Museum of Tolerance

The Mobile Museum of Tolerance is a world-class learning experience utilizing innovative technology and interactive lessons to bring its message of tolerance directly to Illinois schools and communities. The purpose of the MMOT is to inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to promote human dignity by empowering them to raise their voices to combat anti-Semitism, bullying, racism, hate and intolerance.

Empowering Student Knowledge through Educational Workshops!

Check out MMOT Extension Guest Speakers!

Guest speakers from Mobile Museum of Tolerance are available for in-person and virtual engagements. These speakers can be requested to accompany the MMOT bus or scheduled for separate events. Learn More

Illinois MMOT Uniting Communities

Cynthia Wagner

Hillside School Curriculum Director

I am so grateful that we had this opportunity and could bring this to our middle school students. Students were able to make connections and say, ‘You know I need to be kind to others and my words matter.’”